Monday, November 10, 2008

Computer gremlins and Halloween goblins

I logged on to find cobwebs collecting on this blog. Sorry for the extended vacay, but there's so much to be said that I can't succintly yet adequately express myself. I'll just hit the high points.

First, we all know the outcome of the election. May I refer you to the South Park episode that wraps it up so nicely like a Food Saver? It really captures the extremes on both sides with hilarity plus an Ocean's Eleven twist.

We lost one of our computers this past week, although temporarily. It's "in the shop" for an undetermined period and we have found it necessary to coordinate our computer usage among the members of our household. We even resorted to taking turns and using our computer time efficiently! (Body shiver) It was like living at the library except there are children talking loudly and other various distracting background noises. (So in other words, it's like living at the Smithville library.) Anyway, that could not stand for long. Neal quickly rushed to Best Buy and ushered in the newest member of our family, a bright red laptop. Its main stated purpose is for the new EMR system at the hospital but right now, it's used purely for entertainment. We all felt a little more normal when the person-to-computer ratio was restored to its previous level.

Halloween was awesome this year. Neal dressed like a beer and I as a beer waitress. The weather cooperated so we were not forced to cover our outrageously-priced costumes with jackets. My daughter went dressed as a Greek goddess and my son had a dual Halloween....he went to school dressed as a space commando -- until that high-priced, low-quality garment ripped at the waist, exposing his midsection. (Good thing he wasn't authentically "commando" if you know what I mean.) Therefore, we were pressed to compose a new, homemade costume just an hour prior to the commencement of trick-or-treating. We threw together elements of previously worn costumes plus old clothes and he emerged as a nerd. (I should try out for "Project Runway".) The best part was that he hardly broke character all night as we combed the town for candy. He would tell strangers "Did you do your geometry homework?...Because I did mine five times!" and then kind of snort-laugh. He also talked about Star Trek conventions and Lord of the Rings quite a bit. He was so convincing. I wonder where he picked up all that nerd culture? Hmmm....

Football season reached fever pitch after Smithville's first victory over La Grange in a decade but then quickly declined as we failed to capture another win for the remainder of the season. The team played better than anyone can remember and had a couple of close games that could easily have gone our way. Hopefully, we will at least shed automatic "whipping boy" status in our district. That will be measured by how many of our "away" games are the home team's "homecoming" games.

This past weekend, Neal and his 2007 first-place cookoff team attempted to defend their title at "Cookoff on the Colorado". Last year, Neal's ribs placed 7th overall and his team's chicken was unabashedly proclaimed #1 by the judges, helping to catapult them to the team title. This year, not so much. They didn't have an entry that placed in the top 20 for any category. It was deflating to say the least. Oh well, any day spent sitting around drinking beer, eating meat, and watching football is a day well spent no matter the outcome. Even if the Aggies gave up more points than ever in the history of Kyle Field. (Aggie Football -- breaking new records every week!)

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